Celoživotné vzdelávanie SKSI

Energeticky efektívne obvodové plášte budov

Vysoko výkonné a udržateľné budovy sa líšia od klasických budov napríklad v efektívnosti využívania zdrojov energie i vody, v kvalite vnútorného prostredia, environmentálnymi dopadmi na životné prostredie a ďalšími faktormi. Modul BS4 preto ponúka účastníkom možnosť osvojiť si metodický prístup k hodnoteniu technicky vysoko vyspelých budov. Tento Zameriava sa najmä na obvodové plášte technicky výkonných nebytových budov. Účastníci sa môžu prostredníctvom jeho osnov oboznámiť s aktuálnym stavom a prebiehajúcim výskumom v oblasti adaptívnych, viacfunkčných obvodových plášťov budov a aktívnych systémov začlenených do obvodových stien. Hlavým cieľom tohto vzdelávacieho modulu je oboznámiť účastníkov so zásadami navrhovania, výkonovými i návrhovými parametrami progresívnych obvodových plášťov.

Časová dotácia: 7 h 20 min
Označenie modulu: BS4

Obsah modulu
Zobraziť všetky / Skryť všetky

1. Typológie a rámce podmienok technicky výkonných budov

Počet kapitol: 3 Časová dotácia:  50 min

2. Progresívne obvodové plášte budov

Počet kapitol: 6 Časová dotácia:  1 h 50 min

3. Vykurovanie, vetranie, klimatizácia a obnoviteľné energetické systémy začlenené do obvodových plášťov

Počet kapitol: 6 Časová dotácia:  1 h 55 min

Opakovanie: Prezentácia a PDF text

Počet kapitol: 2 Časová dotácia:  1 h 10 min


Počet kapitol: 1 Časová dotácia:  5 min

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Počet kapitol: 1 Časová dotácia:  1 h 30 min

Použité zdroje

1. Typológie a rámce podmienok technicky výkonných budov

PATTERSON, M., MATUSOVA, J. (2016): High-Perfomance Facades, Advanced Technology Studio of Enclos (www.enclos.com).


Obr. 1: PATTERSON, M., MATUSOVA, J. (2016): High-Perfomance Facades, Advanced Technology Studio of Enclos (www.enclos.com); Fig. 2.


Obr. 2: ÖSTERREICHER, D. (2015): Gebäudephysik 1, Lecture, FH Campus Wien.


ÖSTERREICHER, D. (2015): Gebäudephysik 1, Lecture, FH Campus Wien.


Obr. 3: SELKOWITZ, S. (2015): Advancing Façade Performance: Technologies, Systems, Simulation and Field Testing. Presentation, COST, Delft.


SELKOWITZ, S. (2015): Advancing Façade Performance: Technologies, Systems, Simulation and Field Testing. Presentation, COST, Delft.


Obr. 4-6: SELKOWITZ, S. (2015): Advancing Façade Performance: Technologies, Systems, Simulation and Field Testing. Presentation, COST, Delft.


SELKOWITZ, S. (2015): Advancing Façade Performance: Technologies, Systems, Simulation and Field Testing. Presentation, COST, Delft.


CASINI, M. (2014): Smart windows for energy efficiency of buildings. In International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (S. 273 – 281). Zurich: Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, USA.


2. Progresívne obvodové plášte budov

CASTRILLÓN, R. (2009): Integration of Active and Passive Systems in Glass Façades, SET2009 - 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Aachen, Germany. August 31st to 3rd September 2009.


PATTERSON, M., MATUSOVA, J. (2016): High-Perfomance Facades, Advanced Technology Studio of Enclos (www.enclos.com).


PATTERSON, M., MATUSOVA, J. (2016): High-Perfomance Facades, Advanced Technology Studio of Enclos (www.enclos.com)


PATTERSON, M., MATUSOVA, J. (2016): High-Perfomance Facades, Advanced Technology Studio of Enclos (www.enclos.com)


PATTERSON, M., MATUSOVA, J. (2016): High-Perfomance Facades, Advanced Technology Studio of Enclos (www.enclos.com)


Obr. 7: http://www.aiatoten.org/node/354


BLOMSTERBERG, A. (2007): BESTFAÇADE - Best Practice for Double Skin Façades; Best Practice Guidelines.


PATTERSON, M., MATUSOVA, J. (2016): High-Perfomance Facades, Advanced Technology Studio of Enclos (www.enclos.com).


Obr. 8: www.climatetechwiki.org, Accessed 27.06.2016.


ClimaTechWiki: www.climatetechwiki.org.


LIEBARD, A. & HERDE, A. D. (2010): Bioclimatic Facades. Paris: Somfy.


LEE, E. (2002): High-Performance Commercial Building Facades.


LEE, E. S. (1998): Spectrally Selective Glazings, Federal Technology Alert, New Technology Energy Management Program, Federal Energy Management Program, DOE/EE-0173, August 1998. www.eren.doe.gov.


IEA (2000):Daylight in Buildings Source Book on daylighting systems and components.


International Energy Agency Task 21 Daylight in Buildings www.iea-shc.org.


Oesterle, Lieb, Lutz, Heusler, (2001): Double-Skin Facades: Integrated planning. Munich: Prestal Verlag.




BRAGER, G.S., DEDEAR, R. (2000): “A Standard for Natural Ventilation.” ASHRAE Journal 42 (10): 21-29.




RING, E. (2000): Mixed-mode office building: A primer on design and operation of mixed-mode buildings and an analysis of occupant satisfaction in three California mixed-mode office buildings. Thesis (M.S. in Architecture) Berkeley, California: University of California, Berkeley.


CIBSE (1997): Natural ventilation in non-domestic buildings: CIBSE applications manual AM10: 1997. London: Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE).




International Energy Agency Task34 Double Skin Facades, A Literature Review http://www.iea-shc.org.




3. Vykurovanie, vetranie, klimatizácia a obnoviteľné energetické systémy začlenené do obvodových plášťov

IEA (2013): SHC Task 41, T.41.A.3/1 Designing Solar Thermal Systems for Architectural Integration: Criteria and guidelines for product and system developers, ed. Christian Roecker & Maria Cristina Munari Probst.




Obr. 9: KYOUNG-HEE, K. (2015): Integrated Facades for Building Energy Conservation, International Conference on Circuits and Systems (CAS 2015).




PROBST, M. C. M., ROECKER, C. (2011): Architectural Integration and Design of Solar Thermal Systems, EPFL Press.




IEA (2013): SHC Task 41, T.41.A.3/1 Designing Solar Thermal Systems for Architectural Integration: Criteria and guidelines for product and system developers, ed. Christian Roecker & Maria Cristina Munari Probst.


BERGMANN, I. (2002): Fassadenintegration von thermischen Sonnenkollektoren ohne Hinterlüftung, AEE Intec, Gleisdorf.


Obr. 10: STADLER, I. (2001): Façade Integrated Solar Thermal Collectors, AEE-Arbeitsgemeinschaft ER- NEUERBARE ENERGIE, Fig. 1.


STADLER, I. (2001): Façade Integrated Solar Thermal Collec- tors, AEE-Arbeitsgemeinschaft ERNEUERBARE ENERGIE.


Tab. 1: MAURER, C., BAUMANN, T. (2011): „HEATING AND COOLING IN HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS USING FAÇADEINTEGRATED TRANSPARENT SOLAR THERMAL COLLECTOR SYSTEMS. In: 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulati- on Association, s. 51.


MUNARI POBST, MC., ROECKER,  MCC. (2009): Photovoltaic vs. Solar Thermal: very different building integration possibilities and constraints ,in proceedings Cisbat 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland. 


MUNARI POBST, MC., ROECKER, MCC. (2007): Towards an improved architectural quality of building integrated solar thermal systems, in SolarEnergy.


MAHLER, B., HIMMLER, R., SILBERBERGER, C., MATT, C. (2008): DeAL; Evaluierung dezentraler außenwandintegrierter Lüftungssysteme; Abschlußbericht . Stuttgart: Steinbeis-Transferzentrum und Steinbeis Forschungszentrum Energie-, Gebäude- und Solartechnik [pdf] Available at: www.cci-dialog.de, Accessed 29.9.2016.


Obr. 11: MAHLER, B., HIMMLER, R., SILBERBERGER, C., MATT, C. (2008): DeAL; Evaluierung dezentraler außenwandintegrierter Lüftungssysteme; Abschlußbericht . Stuttgart: Steinbeis-Transferzentrum und Steinbeis Forschungszentrum Energie-, Gebäude- und Solar- technik, P. 1.


MAURER, C., BAUMANN, T. (2011): „Heating And Cooling In High-Rise Buildings Using Façadeintegrated Transparent Solar Thermal Collector Systems.


Obr. 12: GRUNER, M. (2012): The Potential of Façade-Integrated Ventilation Systems in Nordic Climate, Dissertation NTNU, P. 15.


GRUNER, M. (2012): The Potential of Façade-Integrated Ventilation Systems in Nordic Climate, Dissertation NTNU.


TROX GmbH, (2009): Luft-Was-ser-Systeme zur Raumklimatisierung; Planungshandbuch.


HIRN, G. (2009): Bürogebäude dezentral lüften und klimatisieren, BINE projektinfo.


SEFKER, T. (2006): Dezentrale RLT-Anlagen; Energieeffiziente Lösung zur Belüftung von Gebäuden, Fachjournal.


GRUNER, M. (2012): The Potential of Façade-Integrated Ventilation Systems in Nordic Climate, Dissertation NTNU.


Obr. 13: GRUNER, M. (2012): The Potential of Façade-Integrated Ventilation Systems in Nordic Climate, Dissertation NTNU, Fig. 5.


HIRN, G. (2009): Bürogebäude dezentral lüften und klimatisieren, BINE projektinfo.


Obr. 14: Polysolar Limited (2015): BIPVGuide to BIPV, Building Integrated Photovoltaics, Cambridge: Polysolar Ltd., P. 8.


IEA, (2013): SHC Task 41, T.41.A.2: Solar Energy Systems in Architecture - Integration Criteria and Guidelines: Subtask A: Criteria for Architectural Integration, ed. MariaCristina Munari Probst & Christian Roecker.


Obr. 16: IEA SHC Task 41, T.41.A.2: Solar Energy Systems in Architecture - Integration Criteria and Guidelines: Subtask A: Criteria for Architectural Integration, ed. MariaCristina Munari Probst & Christian Roecker, March 2013, P. 30.


IEA, (2013): SHC Task 41, T.41.A.2: Solar Energy Systems in Architecture - Integration Criteria and Guidelines: Subtask A: Criteria for Architectural Integration, ed. MariaCristina Munari Probst & Christian Roecker.




Obr. 17: www.schueco.com, Accessed 29.8.2016.


MATURI, L. (2010): Analysis and monitoring results of a BIPV system in Northern Italy, in proceedings of the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg 2010.


CHATZIPANAGI, A., FRONTINI, F. (2011): Evaluation of 1 year of monitoring results of a testing stand for Building Integrated PV elements. In: Proceedings 26th EUPVSEC.


FARKAS, K., ANDRESEN, I., HESTNES, A.G. (2009): Architectural Integration of Photovoltaic Cells, Overview of materials and products from an architectural point of view, SASBE 2009, The Hague, The Netherlands.


SIMON, R. and GURIENTO, N. (2009): Building Integrated Photovoltaics/a handbook, Birkhäuser, Basel-Boston-Berlin.


Arvind Shah. Thin-Film silicon Solar Cells, EPFL Press (2010).


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WEISS, W., MAUTHNER, F. (2010): Solar Heat Worldwide, IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme.


IEA SHC Task 41, Report T.41.B.3a: Solar Design of Buildings for Architects: Review of Solar Design Tools, ed. Miljana Horvat and Maria Wall, July 2012.


FARKAS, K., MUNAR PROBST, M.C., HORVAT, M. (2010): Barriers and Needs for Building Integration of Solar Thermal and Photovoltaics, In the Proceedings of EuroSun 2010, Graz.


WELLER, B. (2010): Detail Practice: Photovoltaics, ed. Detail, 2010, ISBN 978-3-0346-0369-0.


KUHN, T., HERKEL, S., HENNING, H.M. (2010): Active Solar Facades (PV and solar thermal), Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany.


Obr. 18: KUHN, T., HERKEL, S., HENNING, H.M. (2010): Active Solar Facades (PV and solar thermal), Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany.


Obr. 19: KUHN, T., HERKEL, S., HENNING, H.M. (2010): Active Solar Facades (PV and solar thermal), Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany, Fig. 3.


KUHN, T., HERKEL, S., HENNING, H.M. (2010): Active Solar Facades (PV and solar thermal), Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany.


Obr. 20: KUHN, T., HERKEL, S., HENNING, H.M. (2010): Active Solar Facades (PV and solar thermal), Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany,




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autor, prof. Ing. Jozef Hraška, PhD.
autor, prof. Ing. Jozef Hraška, PhD.
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