Celoživotné vzdelávanie SKSI

BIM DAY: Summer Course 2024 on Building Performance Simulation: Day 1 (July 1, 2024) - The "BIM" day

Summer course on building performance simulation


The event will be organised in a blended mobility format, with physical activities taking place at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and at Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers as part of a one-week specialised course from July 1 through July 5, 2024, preceded by a virtual part of approximately 2 months.

The on-campus course, the summer camp, itself will include a series of lectures with practical demonstrations in the field of building energy simulations and daylighting simulations. Particular attention will be given to the optimization of lightweight envelope / curtain wall facades and glazing. During the course, students will create simulation models to assess daylighting, summer overheating and/or year-round energy demand. Energy Plus, Design Builder, Physibel and possibly other software will be used.

The virtual part of the activities will take the form of self-study and "tailor-made" consultations in the run-up to the summer camp, at the end of which the physical course will take place. The virtual part will consist of studying recommended online materials and preparing the students' own building simulation model using non-commercial software such as Energy Plus or commercial Physibel or even the software of his/her choice. During the summer camp, participants will complete and present the model.

Časová dotácia: 3 h 47 min
Označenie modulu: BIM-D [EN]

Obsah modulu
Zobraziť všetky / Skryť všetky

BIM Basics, Principles & Fundamentals

Počet kapitol: 2 Časová dotácia:  34 min

BIM for Architects and Engineers (Authoring tools for model creation)

Počet kapitol: 2 Časová dotácia:  34 min

BIM for Contractors (Communication, Quality Inspection)

Počet kapitol: 2 Časová dotácia:  31 min

Innovative methods of data capturing (Photogrammetry, TLS)

Počet kapitol: 2 Časová dotácia:  29 min

Infra BIM (Case study)

Počet kapitol: 2 Časová dotácia:  28 min

How to order BIM? (Exchange Information Requirements)

Počet kapitol: 2 Časová dotácia:  24 min

BIM management (Collaboration, Coordination,..)

Počet kapitol: 2 Časová dotácia:  37 min


Počet kapitol: 1 Časová dotácia:  10 min

Použité zdroje

Autori modulu

Autori a spoluautori tém

BIM Basics, Principles & Fundamentals
speaker, doc. Ing. Tomáš Funtík, PhD., Faculty of Civil Engineering STU in Bratislava
BIM for Architects and Engineers (Authoring tools for model creation)
speaker, Ing. Alfréd Takáč, 3a3, s.r.o.
BIM for Contractors (Communication, Quality Inspection)
speaker, Ing. arch. Viktor Mikus, YIT Slovakia a.s.
Innovative methods of data capturing (Photogrammetry, TLS)
speaker, doc. Ing. Ján Erdélyi, PhD.
Infra BIM (Case study)
speaker, Ing. Jakub Ducár, STRABAG s.r.o.
How to order BIM? (Exchange Information Requirements)
speaker, Ing. Tomáš Kučo, Corwin SK a.s.
BIM management (Collaboration, Coordination,..)
speaker, Ing. Martin Mišún, J&T Real Estate, a.s.
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