Celoživotné vzdelávanie SKSI

Effective coordination and clash-detection processes in pre-construction phase.

This webinar is output no. 3.3, which is the result of task 3.5 enabling e-learning. The module contains the general principles of Information Modeling of buildings supplemented with the theoretical background necessary for acquiring basic knowledge. The second part focuses on the performance of a new profession - BIM manager, his tasks, responsibility, and integration into the company structure. The last part within the module is the collision detection process on the project, which contributes to smoother construction, elimination of project errors and additional work.

Časová dotácia: 59 min
Označenie modulu: BIM-2 [EN]

Obsah modulu
Zobraziť všetky / Skryť všetky

Topic no. 1

Počet kapitol: 1 Časová dotácia:  22 min

Topic no. 2

Počet kapitol: 1 Časová dotácia:  14 min

Topic no. 3

Počet kapitol: 1 Časová dotácia:  13 min

Practice test

Počet kapitol: 1 Časová dotácia:  10 min

Použité zdroje

Autori modulu

Autori a spoluautori modulu

odborný garant, Ing. Tomáš Funtík, PhD., STU v Bratislave

Autori a spoluautori tém

Topic no. 1
prednášateľ | lecturer, Ing. Tomáš Funtík, PhD., STU v Bratislave
Topic no. 2
prednášateľ | lecturer, Ing. Tomáš Funtík, PhD., STU v Bratislave
Topic no. 3
prednášateľ | lecturer, Ing. Tomáš Funtík, PhD., STU v Bratislave
Practice test
skúšajúci | examiner, Ing. Tomáš Funtík, PhD., STU v Bratislave
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