This webinar is output No. 3.3, which is the result of task 3.5 enabling e-learning. It deals with thermal comfort in indoor living spaces, as it is known that thermal comfort is closely related to the thermal balance of the human body. This balance is influenced by objective parameters of the environment - air temperature, mean radiation temperature, air speed and relative humidity, and subjective parameters - metabolic rate and thermal insulation of clothing. Key documents in the design and assessment of technical systems are technical standards and decrees of the Ministry of Health. The main goal in the design and operation of buildings is to ensure a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. At the same time, the economic goal is to achieve optimal energy consumption. In Slovakia, measures have been taken to reduce energy consumption for several decades. The internal temperature has a significant influence on the optimization of the need for heat, at the same time we must make sure that reducing energy consumption does not come at the expense of thermal comfort. From the knowledge gained through calculations and research, it follows that temperature has a very significant effect on energy consumption.
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